launch: capture mind share
A product or company’s initial introduction into the market is critical. Whether the goal is to establish a new category or penetrate a competitive environment, the launch must lay a foundation for long-term success.
The launch stage focuses on generating top-of-mind awareness and capturing mindshare of the target audience through strategically choreographed impressions and messages.
Mindshare Creative has a 20-year history of successfully launching start-up and small companies, putting in place strategies that enable sustainable growth.

client case study — atherotech
Atherotech is a leading cardio-diagnostic company focusing on direct measurement of the comprehensive lipid profile using the company's VAP (Vertical Auto Profile) technology. Mindshare partnered with Atherotech to
launch The VAP Test, a patented density gradient ultracentrifugation technology that directly measures the cholesterol content of all lipids, components, and subclasses — creating all brand, Physician and Consumer facing marketing materials.